Secret Tower : 500F
Version: 49
Root: No/Yes (No Need Root)
1. Remove AutoBan
2. Remove Version Check
3. Remove Ads (sorry but i think game no need ads)
4. Free currency / material and it even increase instead of decrease from:
- summoning
- upgrade hero
- evolving hero
- upgrade equipment - added
- reviving hero
- auto play in tower / boss
- boss battling - added
- reset boss
- expanding bag
- etc (buy gold / stone)
5. Actually i modded bag to unlimited so u dont need to extended it
6. Expanding Bag 10x every upgrade - added
7. Evolving Hero = Always Success
8. Upgrading Equipment = Always Success - added
9. Battle Speed set to 1x, 5x, 10x - added
- summoning hero and damage i return it to normal and will not mod it cuz high risk of ban
- 6 stars hero is only have 1% of success rate when evolving. high risk of ban i guess
- feels like no limit for upgrade equipment so be carefull
Install Steps:
1. Download & install Signed Mod
2. Done