Battle of Gods: Apocalypse
Version: 3.0.2
Zone: SEA
Root: Yes/No
Playstore Link:
1.) vip 15 - visual but many perks opened
2.) massive dmg
3.) enemy low dmg
4.) bypass capable
5.) auto enabled by default
Install Steps:
1. Install playstore version.
2. Use a file manager and go to sdcard/android/obb and find and rename it to
3. Uninstall playstore version(obb stays because you renamed it)
4. Download my modded apk.
5. Install my Modded apk.
6. Rename back to using a file manager.
7.) skip tutorial (top right button to skip)
8.) have fun
1.) bypass can be toggled by sound. when bypass is enabled, your dmg goes back to original apk values.
-- sound off = bypass.
-- sound on = enjoy mods
2.) there are 2 different scale of dmg. This can be toggled by "speed" button.
-- 1x speed = your dmg 1.5x & enemy dmg 0.7x
-- 2x speed = your dmg 5x & enemy dmg 0.1x
3)-- SEA covers 2 zones:
** Thai, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines
** North America, Australia, NZ
4.) free stamina is localized to your device, which means you should see all of these games suddenly giving notification "yay, free lunch" LOL
You take full responsibility of banning when you use mods. This is your only warning.
Download modded apk: