Heroes of Skyrealm - VER. 1.0.1
The General Debug Menu offer another set of Menus
*Debug Log* It regards game's Logs
1. Use Log
2. Log
3. Warning
4. Error
5. IsShowRedPoint
*Debug Net* This one shows lot of info about game server and so on !
1. Quick Login - Dunno , maybe auto login on startup
2. DissConnect - Disconnect from server
3. Cinese Text - Dunno what it does
4. Cinese Text - Dunno what it does
5. Cinese Text - Dunno what it does
*Debug Assets*
1. SetLocalAssetURL - Don't interfere with it
2. unloadAllAssetObject - Don't interfere with it
3. UnloadUnused - Don't interfere with it
4. Cinese text
5. Cinese text
6. Cinese text
More things on the right of the screen but dont interfere with 'em
*Debug Music*
1. SetMusicVolume - Insert the value in the box before this and press SetMV btn
2. Close Music - Mute Music Volume
3. Start Music - Start/Resume music volume
*Debug Lua*
Dunno what it does
*Debug Window*
Window tweaks , not so useful tho
*Debug Scene* Important one
1. ID - Center right text box - put there the stage ID you wanna enter ! lolz
2. Stop Effect Radio Button
3. Stop Animation Radio Buton
4. Show Skill Range Radio Button
*Third Platform*
It will hide the Menu ! DON'T TOUCH IT !
*Debug Lang*
Dunno what it does
*Debug Stage* - IT'S UNSTABLE !
1. Launch
2. Login
3. MainCity
4. LevelSelect
5. Dungeon
6. Novice
7. Test
Well , this is a shortcut to the above listed things , kind of unstable and sometimes it freeze the game .
*Debug File*
Avoid IT !
*Battle Debug* - It appears only during battle !!!
1. Add MOB
2. Del MOB
3. Hurt Player
4. Heal Player
5. Fast Win - Insta Win
6. Kill All Enemies
7. Restart Battle
8. Max energy
how to install:
Just download, install & play.