Galaxy Reavers - Space RTS - VER. 1.2.13 (18)
Root needed: No
Mod 1:
1. Mod 2
2. A Lot of All Currency
Mod 2:
1. Instant Max Lv.
2. Installing Device Cost 1 Place Only
3. No Energy Cost for skill
1. If u feel annoying to get a lot of currency u may try to use Mod 2 after u bcome a billioner
2. Change graphic to highest option to make loading game run slightly faster
3. Actually they are in progress to make it online but dunno when will it came.
1. Go to PlayStore and download 'Galaxy Reavers Space RTS'
2. After finished downloading, go inside the game
3. Go out after a bit and go to your File Manager
4. Locate to /Android/OBB/ and find a folder named 'com.good.GalaxyReaversGame'
5. Rename it to 'com.good.GalaxyReaversGameX' or anything else
6. Uninstall the game and rename the OBB back to normal 'com.good.GalaxyReaversGame'
7. Install SignedMod1 or SignedMod2 (non-root also doesnt need to uninstall my Mod, just replace it)
8. Enjoy
Download link
vendredi 16 décembre 2016