Avengers Alliance - VER. 3.1.2 (MegaMod)
Playstore Link:
MOD 1:
max score, 100% hit chance, skill nevercooldown, enemy lvl count as 1
MOD 2:
all MOD 1 feature, max agent lvl, max hero lvl warning: if u get pop up lvl up hero close it dont go in or u will get crash!!
MOD 3:
free buy weapon in shop( u will see rare weapon ) warning: this method is bugy, when you buy weapon or item exceed your gold/silver it will crash or restart game, try another weapon and item#recommened buy weapon have big attack
if u wanna to use this.. i recommended this method: install playstore version first to pass tutorial( after u kill viper tutorial will end ) than install mod 3 to buy weapon, after u get your weapon install mod 1 or 2 to get play it
enjoy and have fun!!
mercredi 30 septembre 2015